Students will demonstrate their critical thinking skills and their business communication skills by writing a research paper
that applies ethical theories to an ethical issue in business.
In it, you should apply any two of the major ethical theories discussed in the textbook Ethics: Theory and practice (i.e.,
ethical egoism, utilitarianism, divine command theory, Kant's duty ethics, Ross's prima facie duties, and virtue ethics) to
the case of Bernard Madoff. For details on the case, refer to:
Your research paper should include the following:
1.Define the two ethical approaches from your textbook you have selected and their relevance to the Madoff case;
2.Provide an explanation of how the ethical issues are relevant;
3.Apply both ethical theories to the Madoff situation;
4.Give a brief explanation about what, if any, personal experience you have had with this issue, and your thoughts and
feelings at the time of the experience;
5.Give an explanation about what your opinion is, and what you think should be done;
6.Provide an explanation of at least one additional perspective on the issue, especially if it differs from your own.
7.Provide a reference list in APA format.
For further guidance in how to prepare a research paper, consult the APA Manual. As you prepare your research paper, follow
these guidelines:
Your paper must be approved by your instructor before submitting a final project. Your instructor may post your approved
submission for student comment.
You must use the APA format to cite the sources of all ideas, facts, and information used that are not your own, even
if you have put the information into your own words. Failure to do so is plagiarism, even if the oversight is unintentional.
Supporting your thesis is central to the task of writing a research paper. In scholarly writing, you are not merely copying
information from another author, but using evidence to support the contentions drawn from your findings and critical analysis
of related literature.
All research papers must be word-processed, double-spaced, with 11- or 12-point font and one-inch margins. Papers should
be approximately 6 to 8 pages in length (not including title, bibliography, or contents pages). You should include at least
four primary or main sources of publications from which you draw your references. It is expected that additional or secondary
sources will be also be cited. Your instructor may specify any other requirements relating to your references.
We recommend that you retain your research notes and rough notes so that if a question arises as to an actual source and
its location, you will be able to address that question in a timely manner.
Grading Criteria for Business Ethics Research Paper
Clear Objectives and thesis:
Logical development of body and thesis: How well is the content of the paper organized?
Sufficient depth of research: Did the student use scholarly sources? Are insights presented that go beyond the text?
Are the selected resources appropriate and sufficient for the purpose of this work?
Writing Mechanics: How well does the student incorporate grammar, spelling, syntax, punctuation, and style into the assignment?
Proper APA format and reference methods: Are quotation marks used where needed? Are the citations present and in the correct
format? Is the reference list present and in the correct format? Are citations and reference consistent?
Your essay should be at least four pages long.
NOTE: For this essay #2, the length requirements refer to the body of the paper, excluding the cover page, abstract and