Professor/Lecturer Ellmann's Course Materials Page

Essay assignment books
economic thought
MBA/MA - Anglo-American University International Finance
ERASMUS - International Finance
MBA - Money and Financial Markets
ERASMUS Money & Banking
M.A. Public Policy Economic Sociology
On the Origin of Facts

Dear Students, I will assign a book to you during the first lecture. You will need to read it. Most books are available below. Please write an essay of at least 7 standard, double spaced, typed pages with the following content -- MAKE SURE TO FOOTNOTE YOUR WORK AND TO ENCLOSE QUOTES IN QUOTATION MARKS! --- DUE DATE: TURNED IN BEFORE ATTENDANCE IS TAKEN AT THE BEGINNING OF CLASS ON NOVEMBER 9, 2010 OR TURNED IN SOONER VIA EMAIL (PASTED IN THE EMAIL ITSELF AND ALSO ATTACHED AS AN ATTACHMENT) (if you fail to copy/paste the essay into the email itself and I cannot open the attachment, the essay will be graded late). Please use Roman numerals in your essay as below:
I. Title, author of book, your name.
II. A brief summary of the main arguments and/or subject matter of the book (no more than one standard page)
III. ATTACK at least 7 arguments from the text WITH YOUR OWN ADDITIONAL ARGUMENTS and please number these arguments I, II, III, IV, V, VI and VII.
IV. Comment on whether or not you would recommend this book to somebody else and why.
V. Any additional comments or points you would like to make, if any. Thank you.

When Money Dies by Ferguson

The Order of Things by Foucault


Keynes, Economic Consequences of the Peace

Chandler, Alfred The Visible Hand (on reserve in the library)

Veblen, Theory of the Leisure Class

Smith, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations

O'Brien, An Essay on Mediaeval Economic Teaching

Clarkson, With A View To Their Ultimate Emancipation; And On The Practicability, The Safety, And The Advantages Of The Latter Measure

White, Fiat Money Inflation in France

E. Goldman, Anarchism and Other Essays (please read them all)

Bagehot, Lombard Street

Hendrick, The Age of Big Business, A Chronicle of the Captains of Industry

Sinclair, The Money Changers

Mill, Utilitarianism

ESSAYS, Political, Economical and Philosophical (on the poor basically) by Benjamin Rumford

J. Locke, Second Treatise of Government

Essays on Political Economy by Frederic Bastiat

Essays on Mankind and Political Arithmetic by Sir William Petty

Speculations from Political Economy by C. B. Clarke

Dying of Money by Parsson

try this link for Wells first

The Shape of Things to Come (1933) by H. G. Wells

B.M. Anderson, Social Value

Karl Polanyi, The Great Transformation

Adam Smith, The Theory of Moral Sentiments